ð Plugins for writers & 7 new LLM-based additions.
The Digital Garden plugin now supports style settings and RSS (!), Canvas continues to be a hit, and there's improved collaboration tools for Git.
Plugin News
New in Community Plugins
These plugins went through code review and are now available in Obsidian's plugin list. For the full list, check out the plugin stats page.
Emoji Titler by
 makes it easier to insert an emoji in the title using a keyboard shortcut.Callout Integrator by
 makes it easier to integrate long blocks of text into calloutsibook by
makes it easier to export mac ibook annotations/highlights to your vault.Awesome Image by
automatically downloads internet images, moves them to a specified folder, and renames them in a specific way, among other things.ChatGPT MD by
 an integration of ChatGPT featuring customizability based on frontmatter, which can now infer title from messages, among other things.Home tab by
 is a browser-like search tab for your local files.Callout Manager by
 lets users easily create and customize callouts.
Pending (as of Friday morning)
Note: Not all new plugins are available in the community list yet, as they need to go through code review first. You can manually install plugins that aren't in the community list yet by using the Beta Reviewer's Auto-update Tool. Note, though, that this is not as safe as waiting for them to go through code review.
Git Collab by
 provides users who collaborate their obsidian notes through git some helpful tools and an improved ui.Advanced Merger by
 makes it easier to merge a folder of notes for easier export, which I bet will be awesome for people writing manuscripts.Natural Language Syntax Highlighting by
 highlight adjectives, nouns, adverbs, verbs, and conjunctions in the editor, which will also likely be useful for writers.Soomda by
makes it easier to quickly hide your sidebars.Link Range by
 brings ranged wiki-link support to Obsidian.Wikipedia Search by
 makes it easier to search for a Wikipedia article and link it.Backlinks Breadcrumbs by
 will display a breadcrumbs navigation from backlinks back to your Home/Index file.Floating Search by
 makes it so users can use search view in modal.Jelly Snippets by
 implements text snippets so users can replace text after typing a snippet on some trigger or command.Reading View Enhancer by
 enhances the reading view by letting users use arrow keys to fold/unfold elements.Pseudocode by
 helps to render a LaTeX-style pseudocode inside a code block.Background Image by
 lets users specify a remote URL as the background image, and a few settings to tweak the experience.Send Tasks to OmniFocus by
 will extract tasks from the current note and create them in OmniFocus.OZ Calendar by
 lets users view notes in Calendar using any YAML key with dateFocus Active Sentence by
 will highlight the sentence the cursor is currently resting on.Source Code Note by
 will help users organize source code note easily.
LLM-powered pending plugins
Reminder: most plugins of this type need to make calls to the internet to function; many need to send your data to external servers to be indexed. Here's a proposal for possible consent mechanisms for plugins that do so.
Obsidian AI by
 attempts to mimic the experience of the Notion AI.AI Commander by
 will generate audio transcripts, images, and text in context of PDF attachments or web search results using OpenAI and Bing API.Vault Chat by
 utilizes OpenAI to provide you with a chat bot trained on your vault.GPT Assistant by
 uses a GPT-3 based model on your notes to get personalized answers from your knowledge base.AI Assistant by
 is also an AI Assistant plugin for Obsidian.Ring a secretary by
 is another ChatGPT-powered digital secretary
If you want a comprehensive list of what plugins updated this week, check out this plugin updates index by Ganessh Kumar.
The Digital Garden plugin now supports applying style settings to sites (!), an RSS feed, a sitemap, a table of contents, options for setting the note title within frontmatter, support for tags, and a ton more.
Full Calendar 0.10.0 represents a full rewrite of the code and the fixing of a great many bugs, as well as local caching of ICS and CalDAV events.
Text Generator 0.2.20 added AI-generated content in callouts, made it possible to generate templates to the clipboard instead of the editor, made it possible to use hotkeys for different templates, and more. There's also a discord server for users.
Numerals 1.2 includes auto-complete and highlights important results with result annotation. It also includes better support for international users.
Reveal Active File Button v2.0.3 makes it possible to click just once to jump to the right place in the file navigator.
Obsidian Front Matter Title 3.1.0 improved support for backlinks.
For Developers
Text Extractor is looking for contributors;
will happily provide mentoring for anyone willing to make pull requests to help improve support for Word, Excel, PDFs, etc.
Mado 11 & Miniflow v1.2.0 both got a redesigned callout.
How I Read Research Papers with Obsidian and Zotero by Christian Bager Bach includes a great script that allows for importing Zotero annotations into your vault - even on mobile.
Here's a very detailed guide to doing (Engineering) Project Management in Obsidian.
I really enjoyed this discussion about whether large language models and modern AI represent a radical or incremental innovation in Discord, which touched on the industrial revolution and the history of electricity.
Here's CGP Grey and Myke Hurley discussing how useful Canvas is for developing a product.
Here's a discussion of what different folks think are the must-have plugins for beginners.
Here's a public Obsidian vault hosted on Quartz. It uses maps of content coupled with a zettelkasten structure, focuses on Data Engineering, Data Orchestrators, and Kubernetes. It also has a nice index of public digital gardens.
Ancillary Tools
Obsidian CLI now supports file moving and renaming, on an experimental basis.
Actions for Obsidian v1.0 is available on the Mac App Store, featuring almost 40 dedicated Shortcuts actions; there's a trial and then it costs between $9 & $15 depending on what you feel is fair. Here's an accompanying Reddit discussion.
My husband wants me to learn python, and I think I'm going to start out trying to create a very simple chores management app. If anybody has any tips or resources, let me know.