Re: search engines, I have been pleasantly surprised by the quality of results from https://perplexity.ai. On a few occasions it has been able to turn up answers to questions where a traditional Google/DuckDuckGo search failed me. Case in point: when trying to use Emmet HTML completions in Visual Studio Code with the Vim plugin, I would be placed into visual mode after expanding an HTML snippet. I typed in "why does emmet support in vscode behave funny when vim mode is enabled?" and the result was a summary of the exact problem WITH references to the original web pages, which is where I found a solution to the issue.

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Oh that's great to know, thanks for the tip -- I hadn't heard of this one before!

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And I like Perplexity answer's layout... with the citations too.

But then 'search engines' aren't yet AI answering machines. But now also wondering where they coevolve and where Wolfram Alpha expands into what...

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Nov 11, 2023·edited Nov 11, 2023Liked by Eleanor Konik

Really interesting set of links, thanks for sharing! Most I hadn't seen before, despite following quite a few people who tend to share these types of articles.

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Oh that's awesome to hear! I do try to share more hidden gem type things, and I'm glad to hear these were interesting 😊

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But then GMaps, on the one time I needed to rely on it was only 16km off the target location, within one of the most connected cities (Dubai)... so if you ask Google what day of the week it is, don't depend on the answer. ; ))))))

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