Great article, Eleanor!

I agree with your thoughts on the increased load on the HR department due to AI models. Previously, a job application with a few personalized questions and a cover letter would receive very few applications because people couldn’t put in the effort! But now, it’s super easy. Recently, I applied for a job I was very interested in, but I think my application got lost among the 3000+ applicants!

P.S. If anyone would like to connect, I’m an engineer with a background in renewable energy. My passion lies in using coding and computation to tackle climate issues at both macro and micro levels.

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Congrats on paying off the student debt!

The mention of EVE Online takes me back... (to my days as freelance translator) It's the sort of game I'd love to be obsessed with in theory but am not actually excited about. Weird.

The matchmaking is a fun little idea too. I hope it works at least for one or two people. Unfortunately being several time zones over here in Japan might be a bit of a hindrance but hey, if anyone wants to connect with a non/fiction writer & japanophile with a day job in videogame localization, I'm here. :)

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I shared this article with a new, Special Friend. I enjoy sharing in someone else's found happiness. More people should share when they've reached and found That Place in life. Congratulations.

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