Wow! First, congratulations on your baby girl. What an amazing and challenging journey to get to that final "squirt". And it sounds like wonderful changes are in the cards going forward. I just want to thank you for all the work you've put in on the Obsidian newsletters. While I don't know you (except for the exceptionally written story of your recent delivery adventure), I'm guessing your future writing will continue to be a source of inspiration. Best wishes to you and the family.

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I’m really looking forward to reading the new stuff! Knowledge management, history, and weird science are just the kinds of things I love hearing about.

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Congrats on the new addition to your familiar, Eleanor (and wow, I’m so glad that everyone is ok)! Also, welcome to Substack!!! I agree with William Daniel Parker III --- your Roundups were an essential part of Obsidian’s growth, from what I can tell.

I’ve also been doing some hard thinking about priorities and work and time. This isn’t the first time, either. Once upon a time, I used to do a regular column in which I did a round-up of publishing industry news. It was fun and satisfying in the beginning, but then less and less fun and I realized it was time for a change.

Looking forward to seeing what you do on Substack!

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Oh, neat! It feels good to know that other people are in a possession to empathize instead of being mad at me for stopping 😅 was it something like the genre grapevine, or a different part of the publishing industry?

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I did a column for Writersmarket.com (part of Writer's Digest Books). I think it was daily? It's been so long, I can't remember anymore! 😁

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Sounds like you had quite a time of it, but I'm glad everyone is healthy now.

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It was definitely an adventure! But on the whole worthwhile hehe

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Eleanor , Happy zero birthday!!!

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Thank you for your service Eleanor. Your weekly newsletters were a wealth of information. I was always amazed how you were able to produce them each week with all or your other commitments. A testament to your efficiency as a working mom. I'm glad you made the decision to back off a bit and let what you love guide you. Best of luck.

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I like to stay busy and connected, and I like thinking through intellectual problems... when my brain is at all functional. Which it definitely wasn't for the last few months! But I'm excited to be back in the game.

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Sep 25, 2023
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Thanks! Next week's edition is going to be a roundup of thought-provoking nonfiction articles, then probably a some thoughts on my note taking philosophy, then after that maybe a longform article about different kinds of war-fighters throughout history.

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